Clinical Research is a research field where researchers test the efficacy and safety of new treatments, therapies, and drugs on humans. It is a crucial component of drug development.
As a Clinical Research Coordinator, your responsibility is to conduct, manage and execute the entire clinical trial under the guidance of the Principal Investigator.
As a Clinical Research Coordinator, you work on new research projects, new Clinical Trial projects involving New Drugs, New Innovations, New Therapies, and New Diagnostic Procedures.
CRC is a critical and important profile, wherein you can add huge value to new drug innovations. It is a responsible position with huge dependence on CRC.
Clinical Research Coordinators’ Research skills, Analytical skills, Medical knowledge, and ability to learn can make or break a research project. Primarily, His sincerity can help in developing a new drug a huge success
Clinical Research Coordinators deal directly with patients, guide them counsel them, and inform them about the clinical trials. Their empathy goes in a long way in establishing patient CRC relations.
Clinical Research Coordinators’ profile is a challenging position involving exposure to applied research, new technologies, and methodologies of treatment. They contribute to developing New Drugs & Treatments
Pharmacovigilance is a Branch of Clinical Research that deals with activities related to recording & reporting adverse events/Adverse Drug reactions.
These days it is mandatory for pharmaceutical companies to submit the safety data of their drugs to Regulatory authorities at regular intervals.
Drug safety associate is responsible for preparing different kinds of safety reports of drugs. They collect or get data from Pharmaceutical companies, Medical Practitioners, and the internet.
These safety reports need to be submitted as per specified & internationally accepted coding system. As these reports are to be submitted through online portals, many IT companies employ PV officers or Drug Safety associates. It is more of a desktop-based profile.
PV officer and Drug Safety associate role is also crucial in detecting, recording, and reporting adverse events/Adverse Drug reactions.
As a PV officer or Drug Safety Associate, you contribute to studying the safety profile of the drugs and contribute to identifying safer drugs.
As a Clinical Research Coordinator, You have the chance to work on Novel Research Project on New Drugs, New treatments & New Diagnostic procedures. It is because of inclusive efforts of CRCs world has new effective & safe drugs.