Improving Clinical Data: An important Step in Clinical Research Clinical Research is an important field, where in Researchers work on various new drug molecules and establishes its efficacy and safety. The major point to note here is that for efficacy and safety parameters data must be accurate and clean. If the data is not validated and accurate then it may have false results. Improving study data is critical and it should be done very carefully. The methods to do data …
5 reasons why you should consider a course in Clinical Research Clinical Research, a division of healthcare science, plays a crucial role in development of new life-saving medicines for different illnesses and in determination of safety and effectiveness of the developed medicine, device, or any diagnostic product before releasing them in the market. India is foreseeing a tremendous growth and job opportunities in the field of clinical research and has become one among the most favorable Asian countries for conducting …
JOBS AFTER CLINICAL RESEARCH COURSE In today’s world, where people are being diagnosed with new diseases on a regular basis, medical innovation from clinical research studies has become a necessity. A clinical research expert is required to develop the best treatment for each condition. Clinical researchers are looked upon to conduct clinical trial/vaccine trial on various medicines before they can be sold on the shelves of a pharmacy or delivered to people’s homes. Every year, approximately two lakh individuals are …
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Biotech, Pharma, Life Science, MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, PhD